Friday 27 November 2020

Resistance is never futile

 Provoking Faith in a Time of Isolation - 29th November 2020

Advent 1

Daniel 6.6-27

In the middle of the most recent lockdown,

            media headlines were reporting the news

            that a group of church leaders were taking the government to court.

 I’ll let the Guardian take up the story:

More than 100 Christian leaders have launched a legal challenge against the ban on communal worship in England under lockdown restrictions.

They claim worship has been “criminalised” and the ban has “inflicted a terrible human cost” on congregations for whom collective worship is a core element of their religious life.

The restrictions on public worship, they argue, breach article 9 of the European convention on human rights which protects the right to freedom of religion.

The claim for judicial review by 122 church leaders from different traditions is being supported by the Christian Legal Centre, an arm of the conservative evangelical organisation Christian Concern.[1]

Well, I perhaps ought to admit that I often find Christian Concern quite useful

            because if I haven’t quite worked out what I think about something,

I can take a look at whether they’ve said anything about it,

            and if they have, I can be fairly sure that I’ll think the opposite!


Whilst, at a superficial level, it might be tempting

            to draw an analogy between Daniel’s defiance of King Darius

            and the wilful breaking of lockdown rules by some church leaders,

I think this is to trivialise the question that the story raises for us,

            which is the deep and profound question of religious liberty.


The guidance related to Article 9 of the European convention on human rights

            is a long and detailed document.

I looked it up, and it runs to 98 pages,

            with a huge level of nuance and case law.[2]


But the headline paragraph, the ‘article’ itself,

            is fairly short, so let’s hear it now:

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

2. Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

Well, I think that put’s Christian Concern back in its box,

            given that we’re in the middle of a pandemic!


Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m as frustrated as the next person by some of the rules:

            for example I simply can’t work out why a choir are allowed

                        to sing in our church on a weekday evening without masks,

            but we’re not allowed to sing there on a Sunday even with masks!


However, this isn’t religious persecution;

            it is, I suspect, mere incompetence on the part of the rule-makers.


And we’ll be back in our building soon enough,

            thanks to the vaccine,

and when we are, no-one will be taking our names to intimidate us,

            or threatening us as we make our way to worship.


But until then we’ll continue to meet for worship online,

            living and speaking the values and convictions of our faith

            without let or hindrance.


So what, I wonder, are we to make of that Sunday School favourite,

            the story of Daniel in the lion’s den?


Well, as always, it’s worth setting the context,

            and I’m grateful to John for giving us a short introduction as part of the reading.


To recap, then: Last week we were with the story of Jeremiah,

            with Israel on the cusp of occupation and exile,

            and the Davidic monarchy under threat.


In our reading for today, we’ve moved on a few decades,

            and now we’re bang in the middle of the Babylonian exile.


The Temple has been destroyed,

            Jerusalem has been conquered,

and the Jews, or at least a significant number of them,

            have been taken from their homes into exile in Babylon.


This time of exile is crucial for the development of Judaism,

            and therefore for Christianity.

Because it’s during the exile that most of the Jewish scriptures are written down;

            it’s during this time of displacement

                        that much of what we call the Old Testament comes into being,

            as oral traditions are transcribed into written form.


It’s also the time when the Jews discover what it means

            to be Jewish without their land or temple as the focus of their faith.


And by the time we get to the time of Jesus,

            although there is a restored Jewish state and rebuilt temple,

            there are also Jewish communities

                        in most major towns and cities throughout the Roman Empire,

            as the people of Israel flourish even when distanced from their homeland.


But the story of Daniel wasn’t written down in exile,

            it is a story from much later in the Jewish story,

            finding its origins in the time of the Maccabean revolt in 165 BCE.


In this way, the book of Daniel

            is probably the most recent of the Old Testament books to be written.

To put it in context,

            this church is older

            than the number of years between Jesus and the book of Daniel.


It might be describing events from the sixth century BC,

            but it was written in the mid second century BC.


And of course, it’s a fictional story.

            I hate to break it to you, but Daniel is a character, not a historical person.


Similar to the modern genre of historical novel,

            the context is historical, the exile happened,

            but the characters who inhabit the text are fictionalised.


So, why does the Book of Daniel exist,

            why was it written, and what’s it trying to say?


Well, the Maccabean revolt was a Jewish rebellion

            that took place between 167 and 160 BC

and it was an uprising against the Seleucid Empire

            which was one of the culturally Greek empires

            that came to the fore after the fall of Alexander the Great’s Greek empire.


The book of Maccabees in the Apocrypha is set in the time of the Maccabean revolt,

            and in addition to giving us the origins of the Jewish festival Hanukah

            it also tells us about a man called Mattathias

                        and his sons, Judas, Jonathan, and Simon.


The Seleucid king Antiochus Epiphanes captures Jerusalem,

            kills a lot of Jews, and removes the sacred objects from the temple.

He then passes laws to suppress the public observance of Jewish laws,

            and desecrates the temple by establishing pagan rituals in the holy of holies,

            including sacrificing an unclean animal on the altar.

He forbids the rite of circumcision,

            and makes it illegal on pain of death to possess the Jewish scriptures.


In the face of this persecution, Mattathias and his sons

            initiate an armed revolt against Antiochus Epiphanes,

            and despite heavy losses they have some success.

They re-take the temple, and re-consecrate it for Jewish worship,

            instituting the festival of Hanukah in celebration.


Eventually the brothers do a deal with the rising Roman empire,

            to secure support in ousting the Seleucids,

            and both Johnathan and Simon end up serving as high priest in the temple.


In Jewish folklore, this goes down as a major victory,

            as the faithful Jewish brothers overthrow a mighty Imperial enemy.

It also sets the scene for the Roman occupation of Israel,

            which of course is the context for the life of Jesus a century and a half later.


And it’s also the time when the story of Daniel is written,

            set, as we have heard, in former time

            when Israel was also under threat from an evil empire.


And, sure enough, the king in the story, King Darius of Persia,

            has passed his law requiring people to worship him,

            and him alone, on pain of death.


So… what is the faithful hero Daniel to do?

            Should he worship Darius, or remain faithful to his God?

            Should he fight and take up arms against the oppressive king?

            Or should he engage in nonviolent civil disobedience?


All these, of course, are the questions facing the Jews

            at the time of the Maccabean revolt,

and the story of Daniel explores what nonviolent resistance looks like,

            at a time when the populist solution to the Seleucids was arms revolt.


So Daniel quietly, faithfully, places his trust in God,

            and continues to worship according to his traditions

            in defiance of King Darius’s orders.


And when the soldiers turn up

            to take him to his place of execution

he isn’t waiting for them with a sword in his hand,

            but rather he goes quietly, faithfully, trusting in God.


And the outcome, as we all know,

            is that Daniel’s faithfulness is rewarded,

            the King converts, and decrees that everyone must now worship Daniel’s God.

And, for good measure, the lions still get their dinner

            as those who had conspired for Daniel’s death

            become the victims of their own dastardly plan.


And everyone lived happily ever after.


So - can you see what’s going on here?

            This story is proposing a nonviolent alternative

            to the armed resistance of Mattathias and his sons.


And what, you might well ask,

            has all this got to do with Advent?


Well, the clue is in the hymn we heard just now:


O come, O come, Immanuel,

and ransom captive Israel,

that mourns in lonely exile here

until the Son of God appear.

Rejoice! rejoice! Immanuel

shall come to thee, O Israel!


Just as the time of the Maccabean revolt

            could be understood in terms of the Exile,

So too can the world that waits the coming of Christ

            be understood as a world of lonely exile.


Advent is the season of waiting for the coming of the Christ child,

            the moment when God is made known to humans.


And, in the gospel stories of the birth of Jesus

            there is, of course, a wicked king - Herod the Great,

            who had married the great-great-great Grand-daughter of Simon Maccabeus!

And there is an evil empire,

            the Romans who are propping up the regime of Herod.


And the story of Daniel raises its questions for the life of Jesus,

            who comes as God-made-flesh

            to challenge all the powers and principalities of evil in the world.


We see it playing out in the stories of Jesus’ life,

            as those around him keep tending towards armed struggle against the oppressor,

and Jesus continually resists violence as the solution to the world’s problems,

            as he journeys towards his own place of violence on the cross.


And as we gather, today, on the first Sunday in Advent,

            this ancient story poses its challenge to us, too.


The image of exile is often used as a way of thinking

            about how Christians live in the world:

our home is the kingdom of heaven,

            but for now we are exiled to the kingdom of this world,

so how shall we live?


And the choice before us is the same as it was for Daniel,

            and it’s the same as it was for the Jews of the Maccabean period,

            and it’s the same as it was for those who lived alongside Jesus.


Will we seek, through our actions, to proactively assert our rights,

            to do battle with those who would oppose our faith traditions?


If so, we are closer to the Maccabeans than we might like to admit.


Or will we seek, as Daniel did,

            to bear faithful and steadfast witness to God,

            facing the consequences of our actions with peaceful courage if necessary?


We may not have anyone telling us that our faith is illegal,

            or forbidding us from worshipping our God.

And it seems to me that to try and cast the requirements of lockdown

            as if they were such a restriction

is, I think, a smokescreen for a kind of zealous assertivism

            that seeks to create a narrative of victimhood as a spur to antagonism.


However, there are powers at work in our world

            that seek to take for themselves that which should only be given to God.


The ideologies of consumerism and militarism

            are insidious, violent, and all-embracing;

and we are called to resist,

            to live out in our lives the fact that our allegiance is to another God.

And there will be a cost to this,

            going against the prevailing ideology of the world is not easy.


So as the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel nears,

            and our time of exile from our buildings draws to a close,

I wonder if we can hear, this Advent,

            the challenge to live in the hope

that the realities of our world as we experience it

            do not get to define the future.


Can we hear from Daniel, this Advent,

            the challenge to live with integrity in this moment,

            resisting the forces and demands that press compromise upon us?



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