You manage your own team selected from the current list of members of Baptist Union Council. Points are earned during Council on the basis of how well your team performs up-front.
Squad Selection
You have a starting kitty of 30 pieces of silver
You may purchase up to five team members for your squad, drawn from the current list of BU Council members.
Different members have a different value (see below).
You may also purchase one ‘wild card’ player who is not currently on the BU Council list of members.
You must nominate one of your team to be captain. This player will score double the number of points they would otherwise have achieved.
Player values (in pieces of silver)
15 Moderator of Council
12 Moderator of Trustees
10 Chaplain to Council
10 General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain
10 Baptist Union President
10 Head of department (e.g. Faith and Unity, Mission etc)
10 Treasurer of the Baptist Union
10 Regional Ministers
8 General Manager of the Baptist Union
7 Wildcard Player (not from list of current BU Council Members)
5 All other Council Members
Points are awarded for ‘up-front’ performance.
The more someone makes their presence felt, the more points they score.
Points are awarded proportionate to the size of the gathering. e.g. speaking in morning prayers earns less points than contributing to main plenary debate.
Players can lose points as well as scoring them. Points will be deducted should any player use the following words: ‘Baptistic’, ‘missionary God’, ‘missional’, ‘crossing places’, ‘community’, ‘just’, ‘really’, ‘wanna’, ‘alternative’, ‘cross-cultural’, ‘buzz-groups’, ‘ecclesial’, ‘that would be an ecumenical matter’.
A red card will be awarded to any player who sits on the back row with their laptop open for more than two consecutive sessions.
Players score double for ‘inspired utterances’ including unsolicited extempore prayer, praying in tongues, and delivering words of knowledge / prophecy.
Points are awarded for style: The more unexpected / spectacular a player’s contribution, the more points they will be awarded.
Points can also be earned for ‘community contributions’ including the supply of malt-based beverages, cake, blue cheese, fermented grape juice, and Pringles.
The Book of Revelation: Currents in British Research on the Apocalypse
The Plainly Revealed Word of God?
Questions of Identity
Wisdom, Science and the Scriptures
Prayers of the People
The Way the World Ends?
Bible and Justice
Delivering the Word
Dictionary of the Bible and Western Culture
The story of Women in Ministry in the Baptist Union of Great Britain
The Book of Revelation - Bible Society
The content of this blog represents my own personal opinions, and not those of any organisations with which I am affiliated. No offence is intended, and no animals were harmed in the making of this website.