Friday, 12 June 2009

Jesus loves you

I'm sure some of you have seen this before, but it's new to me, so I thought I'd share...


Craig Gardiner said...

It would be funny if it weren't so sad that

1: this is what so many people out side teh chruch really do think

2: this is what so many people inside the chruch really do think

Iain Stephenson said...

Not seen this before. As you know simon, this is nonsense as we are all going to heaven, and hell is simply a metaphor that Jesus used for "you will be in heaven but i might have to spank you a bit for being so naughty". Clearly the bible says it doesn't matter what we beleive or what we do. I hope you are telling your students this. If not, who knows what nonsense they might be spouting from the pulpit. But then, hang on, that can't be right. It doesn't matter what they say anyway does it....